Individualized Medicine
Improves Care and
Reduces Cost

Medical Directors

PhySoft AMS™ helps Medical Directors improve the quality of dialysis patient care, while also helping to develop the financial and operational efficiencies needed to meet the challenges that dialysis services providers face today. Your role has never been more difficult - balancing care improvement initiatives against ever-tightening reimbursement guidelines. PhySoft AMS™ can help to significantly improve patient outcomes, while also reducing costs.

Medical Directors will have more control to:

 - Ensure better anemia outcomes
 - Improve the quality of care
 - Choose Appropriate ESA: Mircera, Aranesp, or EPO
 - Improve performance metrics
 - Keep costs within reimbursement levels

Technology-supported individualized medicine improves patient quality of life, and significantly reduces cost by giving patients exactly what is required and removing protocol-based dosing generalizations.